Author Profile
About Nicola Hooper
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Hi I'm Nic a townie turned farmer at the start of my farming journey. I gave up my career in London to farm full time with my husband on our beef farm in Cornwall at the end of 2018 and have been blogging about my experiences ever since. I share the highs and lows of farming on a daily basis on my social media feeds under the handle 'mylifewithcows' and look to provide a 'keeping it real' perspective on what it's like to be a farmer and new business owner @trefrawlfarm through which I sell out farm products here in the UK.
6 frequently asked questions about showing cattle
The best thing about showing cattle is the interaction and conversations you have with the ‘general public’… People are genuinely…
My access-all-areas trip to the abattoir
I believe that if you farm animals, and eat meat, you can’t shy away from the fact that ultimately, the…
What I’ve learnt from our direct beef sales
For the last two weeks, my life has been filled with beef – literally. After deciding that we were dissatisfied with…
10 things I learnt in my first 6 months farming
I quit my job last year and post-honeymoon, started my new career alongside my husband and his parents – in…
The highs and lows of calving
I’ll never forget my first experience of calving. It involved me standing in the shadows of the barn, mouth wide…
How to tell if a cow is close to calving
Over the last couple of weeks I’ve regularly been getting up with the sun to check on our cows and…