Deep dive on dairy in the USA – does it have a future?
In the first episode of a series on the dairy industry, dairy farmers and their bovine producers, you’ll meet a lifelong dairy farmer from New York state, Rich Dirie of Dirie’s Dairy Farm.
Rich speaks frankly about his farm, how it started and how it got to where it is today. His commentary on his own farm is insightful to what’s happening in the industry.
You’ll also meet dairy industry expert Mark Stephenson from the University of Wisconsin, Madison’s School of Agriculture and Life Sciences. There he serves as the Director of Dairy Policy Analysis, which is to say that he knows about the dairy industry and we get into it. Deep.
By the end of this episode you will have a pretty good foundation to take on bigger and deeper issues as we go forward. I am sure you will have questions and ideas on what you’d like to hear about, so when you do, reach out and let me know.
You can find me at or on Instagram @xoxofarmgirl or @talkfarmtome. Follow along for news and updates. And stay tuned for Episode 2 in this Deep Dive series on dairy in a few weeks!