Author Profile

About Michael Blanche

Michael was a model and international rugby legend in his previous dreams. During his limited waking hours he minces about trying to farm but never quite does this properly. He is host of The Pasture Pod an intermittent podcast trying to get people pumped up by pasture. He tries desperately to be funny but isn't. Luckily his amazing and awesome guests save the day. Fast forward the intro and you should be fine!


Meet Michael Shannon – the ‘Godfather of Pasture’

Recorded over two sittings, Michael talks for a long time about how excited he is about grass. He tends not…


Talking resilience with farmer Doug Avery

Recorded at the beginning of October 2018.  Doug tells his story through the valleys and peaks of his farming life….


Livestock in low input systems: A farmer investigates

A break from the norm.  I interview a number of people all in one – shorter – podcast. Recorded in…