Where next? Dairy advertising and the new obesity strategy
As the “Milk Your Moments” dairy campaign culminates, donating £100k to mental health charity Mind, Ben Eagle and Will Evans and guests, discuss the outcomes and next steps for dairy advertising campaigns, along with both the government’s recently announced Obesity Strategy and the UK’s impending exit from the EU.
Ben and Will are joined by chief executive of Glanbia and Dairy UK chair; Paul Vernon, Dairy UK Chief Exec; Judith Bryans, Becki Leach, and Chris Walkland.
About Kite Consulting
Kite Consulting provides business services to the entire food supply chain, from farmer to retailer. Our consultants have talent, enthusiasm and motivation, which means the quality of consultancy we offer is second to none.
We operate a team approach and our partnership of national specialists and leading business, people and technical consultants provides high calibre consultancy across the UK and internationally.
Kite Consulting has worked with dairy farmers for 20 years improving business performance, both on a one-to-one basis and also by setting-up and running farmer groups with a range of retail customers, agricultural companies and organisations.
Kite’s expertise in benchmarking, experience with group work and links to other industry specialist in the UK means we are widely recognised as one of the UK’s leading dairy consultancy companies.
Thumbnail Image by Jan Vašek from Pixabay