Author Profile

About Rosewood Farms Rob

Farming against all the odds in a forgotten corner of England called the Yorkshire Ings; a new entrant with farming in the blood, Rob established Rosewood Farm to continue the work of countless generations of farmers who have shaped one of the most biodiverse landscapes in the British Isles. Passionate about conservation of the floodplain, wildflower meadows of the Ings and determined to make them work for both food & wildlife in the modern era. Occasionally finding time to write the odd Rosewood Farm Blog to offer a unique perspective on the countryside between juggling farming, family and food-related activities.


The climate is changing – let’s really push the boat out

We need to get real, accept change, and find a ‘new normal’, says Rob at Rosewood Farm.  Climate change has…


Look at ‘fossil foods’, not livestock

Overgrazing is one of those words I’m hearing more and more as time goes on, and it’s begun to make…


Sustainable food for all – including homeless people

One group of people who don’t have the luxury of what they eat, are the homeless. As you may have…