Author Profile
About Katia Valadeau
Ireland’s heritage garlic – and ‘scapes’ tart recipe
Have you heard of Drummond House Garlic? No? Well let me tell you about it… Drummond House Estate are the only…
Ciara Brennan: Being a plant-based food stall holder in Ireland
You’ll find Ciara Brennan behind her stall at food markets and festivals around the country. She is a dedicated vegan…
Anne Neary: Running a cookery school and being a food tour guide
Anne Neary is the owner of Ryeland House Cookery and also runs Kilkenny Tasting Tours, and she was recommended to me,…
Janine Kennedy: Standing up to male egos in the kitchen
Janine Kennedy is a chef, teacher and food writer – and she says it’s time women stopped being ‘man pleasers’…
A love affair with Las Tapas de Lola, Dublin
I remember when Las Tapas De Lola first opened. I was working on Adelaide Road and I had gone to…
Natural wine – what is it all about?
Natural wines are fast becoming a very popular option in bars, off-licences and restaurants – but what really is a…
The farmer on a mission to promote sheep’s milk yogurt
Aisling Flanagan is a woman on a mission – to get you to eat sheep’s milk yogurt. It has nothing…
Jillian Bolger: A life in food journalism
Simply put, Jillian Bolger is one of Ireland’s most successful freelancers. She has nigh on 20 years editing experience writing about…
Meet Sheena Dignam, Ireland’s best food tour guide
I met Sheena Dignam over two years ago, and I still remember her catching enthusiasm, her deep knowledge of Irish…