Author Profile

About Headys Farm

Hi, I am just your average British farmer, sharing with you my day to day life on our mixed farm in Buckinghamshire. Come and join me for the highs and lows of farming cattle and sheep, along with growing a variety of crops for us and our animals to eat. Laugh with me, laugh at me, I don't mind, just come and see how great British food is produced and why we do what we do.


Harvest 2019 is finished on Heady’s Farm

After a couple of weeks of waiting the final parts of our Spring oilseed rape fields are now ripe and…


After another dry summer, Heady’s Farm is making changes

With harvest finished, we are looking back on a very dry summer for the second year running – has this…


Blackberry picking at Heady’s farm

Go out into the countryside and pick yourself some blackberries, and then make blackberry and apple crumble! This recipe works…


Harvesting oats for your breakfast

Harvesting oats today, these will hopefully go to make breakfast cereal or porridge oats. The weather has flattened the oat…


The cattle make themselves a paddling pool

Livestock often find ways to cause trouble. This time they have broken the water trough twice, lets get it fixed.


Rich on farm: Dodging rain to combine

Let’s press on with the combining and try and get as much done as possible before we get rained off……


New houses, new farming problems

As Milton Keynes city moves closer to us every year, it bring a fresh set of challenges. Trampled tracks appear…


Let’s get the barley harvested before the rain comes

The rain plays a massive part in the UK harvest. We cant combine the crops wet as the moisture will…


Why do we grow barley and what is it for?

The barley we grow goes to feed our cattle, whilst the straw is used for their bedding. It helps keep…


Video: Harvest 2019 is go at Heady Farm

Harvest 2019 has started, so lets get combining. Rich is a mixed farmer in Buckinghamshire, England.


What do legumes have to do with conservation?

Watch the fabulous Rich Heady explain more in this short video from his farm. Farming Jargon: ‘Topping our countryside stewardship…


What are our crops and how are they looking?

As combine harvesters start to work around the country, I take the opportunity to share what we have growing, and…


Why we use chemicals on our crops

We try to minimise our chemical use on the farm, but this video shows how important pesticides can be to…


The importance of our cattle and sheep pastures

Why cattle and sheep are so important to wildlife diversity on our farm (our lovely flower-filled pastures)… *Rich says: Hi,…


What is silage and how is it made?

The last few days we have been making clamp-silage. Check out this video to find out what it is, why…


To the rescue: How to save a sheep stuck in wire

Sheep sometimes get their heads stuck through wire fencing whilst nibbling at the hedge. If you see this, you can…