Author Profile

About Farmer Tom

After working in various jobs from magazines to film media, Tom returned to the family farm in May 2015 and has built up a popular social media presence - Farmer Tom - aiming to ‘show people what happens on the other side of the farm gate’. Tom certainly doesn’t believe he’s here to make up the numbers and gets involved in projects far and wide to promote fantastic British farming and rural Life, recently launching the successful ‘FaceTime a Farmer’ initiative linking farmers and schools for fortnightly Skype calls.

Science in farming: Farmer Tom is quizzed by a scientist

Farmer Tom talks to Dr. Chips about all the science involved in farming and taking care of the environment. From…

Has the barley grown? Farmer Tom checks his crops

Join farmer Tom as he checks in on the barley, beans, linseed, oats, peas, and wheat he planted earlier in…


MPs vote not to guarantee food import standards – a farmer’s response

Wow, that was disappointing. After queuing up to reassure farmers, the public, and environmental groups, that standards on UK food…

An update on Farmer Tom’s arable crops

Follow Farmer Tom as he checks in on the barley, beans, linseed, oats, peas, and wheat he planted earlier in…

Farmer Tom kicks off #LockdownLearning’s arable week

Farmer Tom kicks off ‘arable week’ on #LockdownLearning by showing examples of the crops he grows, and explains how they…

Farmer Tom plants barley, beans, linseed, oats, peas, and wheat

Follow Farmer Tom around his farm to see what he grows for us to eat – barley for beer and…

Checking in on Farmer Tom’s crops: Vigour, vitality, vernalisation

Let’s check in on our crops in mid-April to see how they are progressing. We have barley, beans, linseed, oats,…

How farmers sow billions of seeds…and grow barley for Maltesers

Who likes eating Maltesers at Easter? Farmer Tom does! But did you know that Maltesers contain barley? It’s that lovely…


Beef and water stats – are my ears deceiving me?

Once again, I’m astounded by the misinformation put out there about meat and water.  This week, many UK water companies,…


‘Show us your crack Tom’: Drought hits the farm

Farm update: It’s incredibly dry here on the farm, and without further rain we risk losing our whole spring crop…


An English farmer and his digger

Part of my job as a farmer is to keep the ditches and drains running, which helps the soil and…


Can nitrogen-fixing bacteria save the world?

NEWSFLASH: Today is the beginning of a new era on the farm (possibly). We’re beginning field-scale trials using bacteria ?…