Up and down the country auction marts are at the heart of the farming industry, fostering a sense of community whilst functioning as a trading facility for local businesses.
Here are 11 types of people you will always spot around the auction mart ring – be sure to look out for them on your next visit!
1. Old Timers on the back row
The back row offers a bird’s eye view for local retired farmers who still want to remain in the farming loop.
You’ve noticed they religiously attend most sales to speculate in farming gossip and trade, and are more than prepared for the nostalgic “back in my day when I saw farming…” conversation: Experience has proven nodding and smiling to be a satisfactory response.
2. The Scribe
The scribe can be spotted perched at the ringside, frantically scribbling prices down in the catalogue for some winter reading back home.
Heaven forbid their biros run out mid-sale!
3. Seasonal Visitors
Usually after something specific but determined to secure a bargain, these farmers occasionally show their faces at seasonal sales.
To mum’s delight, that’s dad coming home with two turkeys instead of one from the CCM Auction Mart Christmas Turkey Sale, exclaiming; ‘that’s one for the Aga and one for the freezer!”
4. Three Generations
Farming is often a family affair and a trip to the auction mart is no exception, especially as it counts as a well deserved day out!
From babies in prams to young farmers to great uncles, you can usually spot the three generations from the clothing they are wearing; in most cases that’s tweed flapcaps, checkered work shirts or schoffel fleece jackets.
Whoever said farmers weren’t fashionable clearly never visited an auction mart ring side.
5. The First Time Bidder
Often nervous looking with their ID number in hand, these first timers are ecstatic when they win the lot – if only they realised how addictive that feeling becomes!
6. Happy vs. Grumpy farmers
Depending on the trade you can usually identify which farmer has had a good day at the office or a bad one from their facial expressions – stay well back if you spot a frown!
7. The Luck Giver
Some farmers prefer to deliver their luck in person and can be spied dodging in and out of the crowd, scratching their head as they try to put a face to the name or remember who they were looking for in the first place!
8. The Contract Buyer
Patience is a virtue and one that the contract buyer has mastered.
They are completely focused on the task at hand, and only leave their well worn auction-side spot once they have filled their trailers/lorries up.
9. The Fine Diner
A well known regular in the auction mart cafe regardless of time of day, you know to look for him in there first!
10. The farmer only the auctioneer can see
Self-explanatory as you try to work out who keeps outbidding you!
11. Here Come The Girls
Farming is no longer the male dominated industry it used to be and the presence of women at the auction mart ringside has increased, much to my delight.
From daughters being promised a good old auction dinner to wives lending a hand with last minute pre-sale prep, our female presence is certainly there and not one to be ignored.
Watch out boys – here come the girls!