Author Profile

About Headys Farm

Hi, I am just your average British farmer, sharing with you my day to day life on our mixed farm in Buckinghamshire. Come and join me for the highs and lows of farming cattle and sheep, along with growing a variety of crops for us and our animals to eat. Laugh with me, laugh at me, I don't mind, just come and see how great British food is produced and why we do what we do.


Farm view: Harvest 2022 has begun!

Harvest 2022 on the farm has started, cutting two fields of winter barley. Typically we got some rain, but it…


Where we are, where we came from & where we are going – farmer Rich Heady

We are experiencing a period of rapid price inflation, and we are all starting to feel the pinch with fuel…


How we look after our cattle during the winter

Watch as farmer Rich Heady brings his cattle inside for the winter, and shows us his daily routine for winter…


What is a ‘cattle crush’? A farmer explains

This is not what it sounds like, and to be honest I don’t know why it is called a ‘crush’,…


How and why we use pesticides on our farm

We use pesticides on our farm to help control weeds and diseases in our crops, but take the decision to…


Rich and the vet check if the cows are pregnant

Here is a quick video of how our vet tests our cows to see if they are ‘in calf’ (pregnant)….

5 points of The Countryside Code, with Farmer Rich

Farmer Rich Heady and his children teach us about 5 important parts of The Countryside Code, by walking around their…


From seed to cattle feed – the barley journey

From seed to cattle feed, check out the journey of our barley, says Rich Heady, a mixed farmer from Buckinghamshire,…


Watch Buckinghamshire farmer, Rich Heady, sow wheat

We can plant the grain that we harvest to grow next year’s crop. First we clean it to remove weed…


R.I.P oilseed rape – Rich battles stem flee beetle

Today I harvested the last field of oilseed rape to be grown on this farm until we find a solution…


Farm view: What does wet weather mean for harvest?

Wet weather in harvest is one of the most frustrating things for farmers. We can’t harvest wet grain, and just…

How farmers turn grass into bales of silage

Watch farmer Rich Heady and his team use tractors and other machinery to turn a field of grass into big…


Silage making gets underway at Headys farm

We make two types of silage to feed our cattle over the winter. We make some into bales and some…


Haircut time: Why we sheer our sheep

The sheep have all had their annual hair cut ? ✂️.  Luckily for them we had the professionals in. Yes…

What’s it like being a beef farmer?

Thinking of becoming a farmer? Rich loves farming, he says “it’s such a rewarding job”. Watch as he takes you…

How to safely walk a dog near cows – with farmer Rich

Cattle can get very excited when they see a dog nearby – and it can feel a little scary. With…