Home is Where the Herd Is
Film maker and photographer Chris Baker made this film, called ‘The Dairy Farmer’, last year in Dorset. It features dairy farmer, and Eat Farm Now contributor, Sophie Gregory, and is the latest in a series of films that Chris has made about farmers and the relationship they have with their animals. His focus is on farmers who engage with the principles of regenerative farming.
He has said: ”When I make these films I feel a tremendous responsibility to the subject, in this case, Sophie. My hope is to represent what I really observe, and what I observe are relationships that prior to spending time on farms I didn’t know existed. With what seems to be an increasing onslaught against farmers, I wonder how many people with polarised opinions have actually spent time on farms vs how many articles/books they’ve read??? How many know the difference between industrial farming and regenerative farming? How many understand the objectives of one form versus the other (industrial farming’s sole consideration is profit, Regenerative farming takes planetary health into consideration as well as profit). As Sophie says in the film; ‘healthy soil, healthy plant, healthy animal, healthy milk, healthy human.’ Without a healthy human in my opinion, there can be no healthy planet.”
You can find Chris Baker on Instagram @_christopherbaker
His website is: Chris Baker – Photographer – (chris-baker.co)
The film colourist was Nick Watson (@phatdance on Instagram)
Many thanks to Chris for allowing us to show the film here.
Image credit: Chris Baker