Keeping Red Poll cattle going – enter Moon, the bull
We’ve had Red Poll cattle on the farm since the early 1900’s, so they’ve been on Tatton Park a very long time.
The cows in our herd today can be traced back to those original animals that Lord Egerton used to establish his own herd.
We’ve decided to keep those bloodlines going and we’ll be having some more Red Polls to add to the herd in 2021, but for that, we need a breeding bull.
Enter Moon the Red Poll bull for a few weeks.
Other musings…
I don’t know about you, but I can’t wait to see the back of 2020! As I write this, we’ve just got back into another national lockdown with COVID-19 cases still rising significantly across the UK.
However, I’m one of the lucky ones who gets to work in the beautiful countryside, and the work on the farm will continue whether there’s a pandemic on or not.
I get such comfort from working with animals, who they haven’t a clue what restrictions there are affecting us all in our every day lives. They just carry on as normal without a care in the world. If the farm animals can carry on regardless, then I think I should too!
Winter is just around the corner and that will bring along with it challenges of its own, but before we get to frozen water taps and icy farm yards, we’ll make the most of the beautiful autumn colours and the few last remaining days of sunshine.
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