Food Talk Show: How to serve up spice
There’s a spicy atmosphere in the studio this week and for once, it’s got nothing to do with Ollie’s shirts. Arun Kapil from Green Saffron has brought in an array of fabulous spices, which the company provides in a variety of different blends.
They aim to create blends that bring out the best in each element on a plate and treat spice as a flavour ingredient, not just a regional touch.
Jack Galliano of Galliano Dining is well aware of the challenges of keeping the spice in mass catering – how do you feed 600 people and still serve up top quality food? Jack has some interesting insights into feeding the masses, along with his views on the new dining trends to watch.
Inspired by 12 years of doing PR for innovative food brands, Hannah Glasson has launched the new INTUNE range of fruit and botanical drinks to share the benefits of CBD.
Having found that CBD helped to boost her concentration at work while undergoing medical treatment, Hannah wanted to share her discovery with the world in a tasty, refreshing way.