Rare breed livestock arrive at Tatton Park farm
Well it’s 2020 and Christmas seems like a distant memory, but the farming cycle continues and in the blink of an eye it’ll soon be spring.
The Hereford cattle are still out in the fields, they’ll be coming in at some point in the next few weeks as we get them ready for calvin, but for now they’re still outside in the fields and doing really well.
The Rare Breed Survival Trust is a charity that I have quite a lot of involvement with, not just through Tatton Park being an accredited Farm Park with them, but I’m also on the committee for the the Cheshire group of the RBST.
There are certain breeds of farm animals that are very rare and it would be a disaster if we lost these breeds all together. We have a large number of rare breed farm animals at Tatton including sheep, pigs, poultry, goats and heavy horses.
It’s vital that we work together with the RBST to conserve these animals, as some breeds are extremely low and even at a critical stage. We’ve had some new rare breed arrivals at the farm, and there’s ten of them.
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