Groundswell 2024: Celebrating Regenerative Agriculture

By Georgina Knock
1st August 2024

Last month, our Editor Georgie Knock attended Groundswell, a unique event that celebrates and explores regenerative agriculture. It was held on 26th and 27th of June on the same family farm in Hertfordshire which has hosted it for the past few years, founded by John Cherry. This annual event brought together farmers, agronomists, researchers and enthusiasts from all over the world, all with a common goal: to promote sustainable and regenerative farming practices.


Soaking up the atmosphere

This farming festival was nothing short of inspiring. The atmosphere was electric with enthusiasm and curiosity as visitors explored the latest innovations and ideas in regenerative agriculture. There was a wide variety of activities, from hands-on workshops and demonstrations to thought-provoking talks and panel discussions. If you would like to watch videos of previous talks, you can visit the Groundswell YouTube Channel

Above was a demonstration by Affinity Water showing the difference between the effects different plant’s root systems had on water quality. 


Engaging talks and speakers

One of the highlights of the event was the impressive lineup of speakers, from all over the world! Industry leaders and experts shared their insights on a wide range of topics, including soil health, cover cropping, no-till farming and holistic livestock management. Some highlights included:

– The Importance of Soil Health: Experts discussed the critical role of healthy soil in sustainable farming and the techniques to enhance soil fertility and biodiversity.

– Cover Cropping Innovations: Farmers and researchers shared their experiences with cover crops, highlighting their benefits in improving soil structure and reducing erosion.

– No-Till Farming Practices: Discussions centred around the advantages of no-till farming, including reduced soil disturbance and increased carbon sequestration. There was also a live demonstration of direct drills which plant seeds. 

– Holistic Livestock Management: Speakers emphasised the importance of integrating livestock into farming systems to create more resilient and sustainable ecosystems.

– Agroforestry: Had its own dedicated area discussing this type of land management practice that integrates trees and shrubs into agricultural landscapes to enhance biodiversity, improve soil health and increase productivity.

Photo credit: Groundswell


Regenerative Agriculture: A growing movement

Regenerative agriculture is more than just a set of practices; it’s a movement that aims to restore and enhance the natural systems that underpin farming. By focusing on soil health, biodiversity, and ecosystem services, regenerative agriculture seeks to create farming systems that are not only productive, but also resilient and sustainable.


The 5 Principles of Regenerative Agriculture

Regenerative agriculture is gaining momentum as a sustainable approach to farming that focuses on restoring and enhancing the natural systems that support food production. The Groundswell Agriculture Event highlighted five key principles that are foundational to this practice:

  1. Minimise soil disturbance
  2. Maximise crop diversity
  3. Keep the soil covered
  4. Maintain living loots year-round
  5. Integrate livestock


Our team left Groundswell feeling inspired and motivated to continue supporting and promoting these innovative practices. The event was a powerful reminder of the positive impact of what can happen when people come together with a common goal. Plus, the effect regenerative agriculture can have on our food systems and the environment.


Groundswell was an enriching experience that showcased the transformative potential of regenerative agriculture. Our team was deeply impressed by the passion and knowledge shared by all the exhibitors and visitors! We look forward to seeing how these practices will continue to evolve, and make a positive impact on farming communities across the world and the environment.

Photo credit: Groundswell


The next Groundswell Festival takes place on the 2nd and 3rd of July 2025, see you there!