Summer as an Agricultural Contractor
Agricultural contractors are busy people, especially at the moment. A few weeks ago, on a beautiful summer’s day, Noel Clancy from Out the Gap Podcast caught up with John Drennan of ‘Drennan Agri’ as he and his team harvested grass in the Irish midlands. There are many challenges in contracting, as John explores but he also clearly loves what he does, and wouldn’t do it otherwise. He has been involved in contracting for years, with a variety of services, and his son is now also on the team, coming up through the ranks. Contracting has also changed hugely through the years, especially as machinery has changed and got bigger.
Noel also talks to Karol Duignan, president of the FTMTA (Farm Tractor and Machinery Trade Association).
Image credit: Pamela Norrington (geograph) – see license here.
About Out The Gap
My name is Noel Clancy. I’m a sheep and beef farmer based in South County Tipperary in Ireland. Out The Gap is an Irish food and farming podcast recorded across rural Ireland.
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