What is ‘Burren bloom’? Farmer Aoife explains
Welcome to the Burren, a unique Limestone habitat in the west of Ireland on the Atlantic coast.
Meet farmer, Aoife Forde as we chat amongst the cows on the ‘Winterage’. Hear how the farmers in this region are using traditional Winter grazing regimes in order to maintain this beautiful area. Find out what makes this area so breathtaking and just what exactly the ‘Burren bloom’ is.
Aoife is bursting with enthusiasm for this beautiful place and it was a pleasure to walk and chat with her.
About Out The Gap
My name is Noel Clancy. I’m a sheep and beef farmer based in South County Tipperary in Ireland. Out The Gap is an Irish food and farming podcast recorded across rural Ireland.
Email: nbclancy@hotmail.com
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Insta: @outthegappodcast