Spinning the yarn: A new route to market
Join me in the west of Ireland as I spend a morning with members of the newly formed, ‘Galway Wool Co-op’.
Hear how enthusiasts of this multi-purpose ‘Galway’ rare breed sheep have secured a new route to market for their fleece.
In this episode find out about traditional crafts such as hand spinning and blade shearing as well as about this long-established breed.
Meet Chris from ‘Donegal Yarn’ and Esther who is a mixed farmer from Donegal, we also hear about how the Co-op was founded and how they came together as a group during Covid lockdown.
About Out The Gap
My name is Noel Clancy. I’m a sheep and beef farmer based in South County Tipperary in Ireland. Out The Gap is an Irish food and farming podcast recorded across rural Ireland.
Email: nbclancy@hotmail.com
Twitter @OuttheGapPodca1
FB: Out the Gap
Insta: @outthegappodcast