Bread: Learn to bake with chef Charlie Hodson
Learn to bake bread with Norfolk chef, Charlie Hodson, at Old Hall Farm at Woodton, south of Norwich. Before baking bread, Charlie takes a walk around the farm and meets farmer Rebecca Mayhew and her Jersey dairy cows.
About Charlie
Charlie wears many hats. He’s a chef, co-organiser and cookery stage host at Holkham Festive Food Fair, chef and forager at Coastal Exploration Company, and co-organiser of The Big Norfolk Sausage Bash. Charlie is also ambassador of Hospitality Action UK, and founding member of its East Anglian board. Charlie is passionate about his home-county of Norfolk and you can find out more about Norfolk food and what Charlie gets up to by following him here.
About Old Hall Farm
Old Hall Farm is a ‘cow with calf dairy’ where the cows keep their calves for usually at least 6-8 months, rather than weaning them soon after birth. Rebecca has a farm shop and specialises in raw Jersey milk, milkshakes, cream and butter.
This video was kindly filmed and edited by Jonny Ward.
Look out for more cooking videos from Charlie this week on our #LockdownLearning Hub, where you can also find lots of fun activities and videos by farmers and chefs.