The ups and downs of starting a food business in France
Jessica Hammer founded the company Taste of Toulouse, which gives walking food tours in English in the city center of Toulouse, France. As an American, she and her husband moved to France a couple years ago and she has hit the ground running ever since.
We talk about what it was like starting a business in another (non-English-speaking) country, and resources she tapped to make that transition as smooth as possible. We also talk about mental health and emotional intelligence as an entrepreneur (important!). She says she learned time and again what we all know about ourselves: “I’m stronger than I feel like I am sometimes.”
Another part of our conversation that I loved was our chat about introversion and extroversion. Either way you swing, we talk about how recognize how you refuel and find energy is key to a happy work life and personal life.
The warmth and hospitality in Toulouse and southwest France is remarkable, and I had such a great visit there — in large part thanks to Jessica’s help in my researching bread in that area for my book.
I also had the chance to hop on one of her tours of Le Marche Victor Hugo, which just reinforced the fact that food tours are a wonderful and unique way to get to know a place.
You’ll going to love this episode, and will want to book that ticket to visit Toulouse (and take one of her food tours) asap!
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