The farmer and his drone: Will meets Jack
Tonight I’m heading up to North Northumberland to talk to farmer and co-founder of Drone Ag, Jack Wrangham @dronesforag
We talk about his family farm, his time spent as a ski instructor in New Zealand, how his initial foray into flying technology led to him nearly being eaten by Lions in Kenya, Drone Ag – the company he started with his brother, and the exciting next step which launches very soon – Skippy Scout*.
All this and much, much more.
*During the interview we talk about the crowdfunding campaign they’re launching soon. Please be aware that investments of this nature carry risks to your capital. Please invest aware.
Check it out folks..
LONDON MARATHON 2019: As required by Universal law, much like if you’re a vegan, if you’re doing a marathon you have to tell people about it. Well I’m doing the London one in April 2019, and I’m raising money for the incredible charity FARM AFRICA.
Between 8 February and 8 May donations in support of my London Marathon challenge will go to Farm Africa’s Coffee is Life appeal. Give before 8 May 2019 and all public donations to Farm Africa’s Coffee is Life appeal will be doubled by the UK government. Your donation will support Farm Africa projects across eastern Africa, and the matched funding you unlock from the UK government will directly fund a Farm Africa project that will give women in Kanungu in western Uganda the opportunity to make a decent living from coffee farming.
If you want to see more about the AMAZING work they do please visit & if you’d like to sponsor me the link is and from now until 8th May, the UK Government will match your donation – thank you!
Episode Sponsor:
NFU Cymru – for more information please visit
Podcast Partners:
Farmer’s Guardian. For the biggest range of news and features from across the Ag industry, please visit
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